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Hello!! I am Mrs. De La Cruz and will be the 6th - 8th Grade Resource Math teacher this year. I look forward to a fantastic year full of growth and academic learning. I understand that it is not out typical learning environment, but we are here to assist you virtually in any way we can. We will still be learning the same content only in a virtual setting. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. You can either call 473-7000 ext. 7022 and leave me a message or via email at I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

This year in :

6th Grade we will be learning about Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Proportions, and Integers to name a few of the topics. The students will be able to use a hand-held calculator in class and on the STAAR test. Tutorials will begin in the fall once a week, and then in the Spring, we will do twice a week. I will provide students with the permission slips when it is time. 

7th Grade will be doing everything learned in 6th grade,  and will now be doing multi-operational computations.  They will be able to use a hand-held calculator in class and on the STAAR test. tutorials will begin in the Fall once a week, and then in the Spring, we will do twice a week. I will provide the students with the proper permission slips when the time comes. 

8th Grade with being solving equations, finding the slope of a line, translations, reflections, etc. They will be able to use the Ti-Inspire graphing calculator both in class and on the Staar test. They will be receiving homework once a week that is assigned in addition to any work not completed in class.  Tutorials will begin in the Fall once a week, and then in the Spring, we will do twice a week. I will provide students with the permission slips when it is time. 

We will be using the IXL program. Students will be responsible for completing assignments each week and will need to get parents initials stating that they did finish the work. It is internet based and can be accessed from any handheld device. This will be used to continue to offer the students drills and the support that they need to fill in the academic gaps in the areas that they may be lacking. 

I am here to ensure that your children are well prepared for the STAAR test! I can't wait to have a  wonderful year!!

Mrs. F. De La Cruz 


Upcoming Events


Classroom Number:
School Phone:
473-7000 ext. 7022
Conference Time:
11:08 -12:30 and 1:30 p.m. - 2:25 pm